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Inspiration & Motto

" The subject matter of Eliashiv’s work is drawn from stories in the Hebrew scriptures, such as Jacob’s Dream, a theme that recurs throughout her career. Her art also draws inspiration from the organic shapes of nature. Eliashiv’s early works express her deeply felt response to nature and her symbolist, mystical approach. They are remarkable for their freshness, varied handling of textures and the expressiveness of their calligraphic lines. In some, the influence of traditional Chinese painting can clearly be detected, in the perspective and in the color used. "

" Biblical subjects such as Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden and Jacob’s Dream predominate. They are highly imaginative, semi-abstract paintings which express the mysticism of the Scriptural stories. Whatever the form, the artist has preserved the sensitive richness of color. In the intensity of their colors and the symbolism of their subject matter, these works are reminiscent of the mystical paintings of Odilon Redon and Gustave Moreau. The etchings, which resulted from these paintings, have a luminosity and brilliance of color resembling the illuminated manuscripts of medieval times. "

" Eliashiv has developed a much freer style, giving lyrical expression to her feelings for nature. These are abstract paintings, which derive their shapes from natural forms, such as rocks, trees and water. The sophisticated way in which these forms, colors and textures are welded together into a unified whole is the artist’s own. Human and animal figures may be read into these works, but that is not intentional. The artist has moved away from the particular to the universal. Although the subjects are sill biblical and the inspiration is nature, the vision has broadened. "